Codename: Arcade

With about 27 hours until the opening I decided to show off a little piece I made for art 105 which ties into my project, enjoy.

The 11th Hour

Set up has begun for Codename: Arcade

Over the rest of the weekend, I will be finalizing the code for the games, as well as the setup of the room.

The music is in, the art is done, and the games are live!

I am working on a comedic “commercial” for the game, as well as planning on a final video of the show, and what it has meant for me.

While those are both still in production, here is a quick look at a last minute addition, A third character!


The next post will be post show, so see you all then.

10-9 Reflection Test

Here is the game taking shape (still has placeholders for the background, and there is no music). As of now, the game is mostly complete, and the team and I are working on polishing the game for the cabinet.

Here is a loot at the colored in sprites, and a first pass at our first stage, the colosseum.




First video footage of “Reflection” on the arcade cabinet

We finally got the prototype onto one of the SJSU game dev club’s arcade cabinets, and the testing went better than expected. By the end of the night, we had fixed some major control issues, and had it running even better than before. Below is the first video of our play session.

As a bonus, here are some of the characters in action (outside of the game).



Meet my collaberators (so far)

Authur Baney: I met Arthur in my first semester here at SJSU and he has been my dedicated programmer ever since. Whenever I need something done in the game, or I need to make a major tweak to the design, he is able to tackle the job and has been an incredible help to me all these years.

Travis Tran: A new member to the game “Reflection,” Travis is our artist. I always enjoy working with animation and illustration majors, and Travis is no different.

Here are some concept pieces of work for the art direction we will be taking for the game and the characters the player will get to choose.

Here are some concept stages in which the character will compete.


Game Synopsis

The game will be based on a simple control scheme of only using the joystick during game play. The object of the game is to deflect a projectile back at your opponent. This is done by inputting the correct direction on the joystick, which will flash on the screen of the player who the projectile is currently traveling to. As the game goes on, the projectile will travel quicker and quicker, making this a game of reflexes and reaction. If the player is not quick enough, they will get hit and loose a life. The game will end when one player runs out of lives.


Timeline for Matthew Bryant art 199 project

Codename: Arcade

September 4th
Begin work on a new game for the arcade, code name: Reflection.
September 6th
Begin work on reworking code from old games made at SJSU to work on game dev club cabinets.
Month of September
Document work done on the game, and the setup of the arcade.
October 13th
Have all work on the new game, code name: Reflection, completed and all other games on the cabinets and working properly.
October 13-17th
Fix any last minute bugs with the games on the arcade cabinets/test to make sure everything works correctly.
October 17th-19th
Set up in gallery 8.
October 20th-24th
Open show to the public, documenting opening night (October 21st).
October 24th
Clean up gallery and return cabinets by noon.

Welcome to my vlog

This vlog will document the work of Matthew Bryant as he creates his art 199 project. He will turn the space given to him into an arcade full of games he has made over his two and a half years here at San Jose State University. The cabinets will be provided by the SJSU game dev club, and he will collaborate with his team Pew Pew studios to get the games ready for the show. Check back here regularly to see posts and video updates of the progress made.